Self-publishing book Through KDP is one of the best sources of income online,  since it gives you the uploading any type of books, Author books, notebooks, Journals, sketch books, colorings books, anything you could think of. It is a POD business and many people that own a POD business started doing KDP when they saw the potential they could bring to their businesses and diversify their income throughout Amazon Platforms.

If you are a POD business owner and you know what is takes to do a design and bring it to life, it very similar idea. All you have to do is make an original design and an interior that help people plan or write their content and a an attractive cover and you good to go! A publisher is more likely to pick your book up if you can show that your book has a market after publishing , than if you just submitted your manuscript to them. Self-publishing offers you a great platform to achieve just that .

One of the biggest advantages beside the traffic that Amazon recieves everyday you don’t have to hold any inventory to be able to sell these books. If you can actually actually write a book that will be even better! over the last few years traditional publishers have picked picked up self-published books and made it into a huge success Story! The Martian and Fifty Shades of Grey [both books were converted into blockbuster movies] being prime examples. You could also start approaching literary agents after your book starts selling copies regularly and you identify that it has potential in the market.

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