Feel as though your bike is costing you a fortune? To make sure you're getting the best deals possible, check out our tips for saving money on cycling.

Credit: All kind of people – Shutterstock

A bike is a great way to get around. As well as being cost-effective in getting to and from places, they're great for the environment and an excellent way to keep fit.

But you'll want to make sure you get a bike that you can afford to maintain – especially if you're a regular rider.

We've compiled all the money-saving tips we could think of to ensure you can ride around carefree, all without breaking the bank.

If cycling isn't your thing, check out how to save money on driving.

Cheap ways to buy and use a bike

These are the best ways to save money on cycling:

  1. Get a bike tax-free with Cycle to Work

    row of bikes in shop

    Credit: Nomad_Soul – Shutterstock

    If you have a job (even a part-time job!), you may be able to buy a bicycle on the government bike scheme, known as Cycle to Work. This means you can pay less for a brand new bike – in fact, according to the scheme itself, you can save 25% – 39% on the cost of a bike and accessories.

    What's more, the payment comes out of your salary each month, meaning you won't even feel as though you're paying for it.

    All you have to do is select your package (bike and accessories) and then you're set. You can take your Cycle to Work certificate to your chosen retailer and redeem your bike voucher for the model of your choice.

    Check out the Cycle to Work scheme here, to save money on a brand new bike.

  2. Register your bike

    Make sure you register your bike when you buy it, as this will help you if you're ever unfortunate enough to have your bike stolen.

    You can mark your bike with the kit when it arrives, so if it is taken and later found, it can be tracked and traced back to you. Genius, right?

    To get your track and trace kit and register your bike, take a look here.

  3. Buy a second-hand bike

    Credit: Denis Belitsky – Shutterstock

    If you're struggling to find a couple of hundred pounds to spend on a bike, going for a second-hand option may be your best bet.

    We suggest looking on Facebook Marketplace, Gumtree and even eBay if some sellers are local. But don't stop there – a friend or family member may be trying to get rid of an old one, so it's worth asking around.

    Once you've bought your second-hand bike, we'd also suggest taking it to your local Halfords and getting a free service check. They'll be able to tell you the potential issues with the bike, and there's no obligation for you to pay for it to be fixed there and then.

    Our eBay bidding tips could help you bag an even better bargain.

  4. Buy your bike in a sale

    If you're not keen on buying second-hand and want to buy a bike from a shop, you can still make a saving by getting one on offer, or in the sale.

    We always love a sale, but we're particularly fond of the ones on expensive items, like bikes. We suggest checking out online offers, as well as in-store sales in shops like Halfords, Decathlon, Evans Cycles and more.

    And if it's the right time of year, check out our guides to getting the best deals on Black Friday and in the January sales.

  5. Repair your bike yourself

    person repairing the wheel of a bike

    Credit: Nomad_Soul – Shutterstock

    Repairs may seem scary, but remember: YouTube is your friend when it comes to these things.

    You can learn a lot about a little and can potentially save yourself hundreds of pounds in repair costs compared to visiting a shop. And who doesn't love saving money?

    If you're interested in doing some repairs yourself, some of the easier jobs include pumping up your tires, cleaning the bike (we recommend Muc Off) and even tightening your brakes. Just make sure you follow a guide – especially when it comes to important safety features.

    Eventually, there may come a point where your bike needs some bigger repairs that you can't do, and you'll have to take it to the shop. But even saving on those smaller repairs can make a big difference!

    The government occasionally offers bike repair vouchers, entitling you to up to £50 off the cost of fixing your bike. Check out our student deals section to see if the scheme is running right now!

  6. Buy bike accessories in Lidl, Aldi and Decathlon

    If you're in the market for bike accessories, you can save money by shopping at Lidl, Aldi, and Decathlon.

    In the cases of Aldi and Lidl, your chances of finding some cheap accessories are more down to luck than anything else, as these items aren't stocked all the time. But, previously, we've seen them sell phone holders for your handlebars, sportswear and more.

    As for Decathlon, they always stock a good amount of cycling accessories, as well as sportswear.

  7. Fit mudguards to your bike

    bikes in a row line with mudguards on tyres

    Credit: B. Forenius – Shutterstock

    It may seem silly, but as well as protecting you from mud flying off your tires, mudguards also stop you from damaging your clothing, bag and other accessories on your bike. This will save you money in the long run as you won't have to replace them.

    We love these mudguards from Decathlon, particularly because they're cheap and are extremely easy to install on your own.

  8. Get free safety checks at Halfords

    Thanks to Halfords, you can find out which parts of your bike need fixing for free. They carry out a free safety check on your bike and then will list what parts (if any) need fixing.

    Best of all, there's no obligation to get any of these fixed – so while you're welcome to carry out these repairs at Halfords, you could head to another bike shop (if they're cheaper) or even do it yourself if it's manageable and you know how.

  9. Buy a good quality bike lock

    bike spokes with three locks in front different styles

    Credit: Olexander Kozak– Shutterstock

    Investing in a good quality lock may seem like a waste of money, especially if you live in a relatively 'safe' area.

    But, at the end of the day, spending an extra £20 – £30 on a safer lock may be the difference between your bike being safe or being stolen. And if it is stolen, you're suddenly looking at paying up to 10 times the cost of a lock for a new bike, if not more! Clearly, it's a good payoff in the long run.

    We suggest looking at a U Lock with a cable, just like this one.

    Our guide to protecting your house from burglars is full of extra tips for keeping your possessions safe and secure.

  10. Hire bikes for short term use

    If you're unlikely to use your wheels all that often, you may want to think about hiring a bike instead.

    Many areas now offer bike hire (such as the Santander and Uber hire schemes), where you're able to use an app to borrow one for a short period of time. Payment will come out of your bank account, so it's as easy as downloading the app, adding your card, and removing the bike from the dock.

Now you've saved on your bike, here's how to make a cheap home gym.

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