Credit: Illya Levashov (background), Julia Sudnitskaya (foreground) – Shutterstock

Your uni years are some of the best days of your life. Not only are you studying a subject that will hopefully lead to a successful and fulfilling career, but you’re growing as a person.

University is not all hard work and studying. It’s also a time for exploring new places, making new friends, becoming independent and learning more about yourself.

Here is a list of some of our favourite bucket list ideas to take you through your university years.

Make new friends

No university bucket list would be complete without mentioning meeting new people. It’s literally one of the best parts about uni – you’ll find that you make friends for life.

Buy a university hoodie

Don’t forget to buy a uni hoodie- not only will you feel part of something bigger and look great, but you’ll also have a great souvenir to last for years and years after you graduate!

Not to mention how cosy they are!

Go to the Freshers Fair

Uni life really starts during freshers week. Going to the freshers’ stall with your newfound friends is one of the most exciting moments in your uni life as you can see what’s on offer at your university.

Deciding which activities to get involved in, or signing up to a society can be fundamental building blocks to your uni experience, so make sure you choose wisely!

Make sure you take advantage of all the freebies on offer too – normally there are goodie bags full of sweets, pens, bracelets and other cool stuff!

Live Fresher’s Week

On the note of Fresher’s, your first year at uni wouldn’t be complete without taking full advantage of the many parties and social events happening in this induction week.

With few responsibilities in terms of lectures, it’s the ideal time to start branching out and meeting new people, while having lots of fun.

There’s always loads of deals on at the nightclubs and bars – just go steady on the drinking games!

Join a uni society/club

As we’ve already mentioned, you can sign up to uni societies at the Freshers Fair. We really can’t overstate just how much of an impact these activities will have on your social life.

One of the best ways to fully integrate into university life is by signing up to a uni society. They are a lot of fun and there are so many different hobbies and fun activities to choose from. You could join a sports team, or start going to amateur dramatics evenings. You could learn a new language or join a hiking club.

Attend a music festival

After a long exam period, the first thing you’ll want to do is let your hair down and shake the stress away.

One of the best ways to do this is to let loose at a music festival with thousands of other people, dancing to live bands and DJs.

Go to a pub quiz

Usually there are societies that organise pub crawl events, and part of those events is the legendary pub quiz night.

You can give the locals a run for their money and win the prize, which is normally cash or a free round of drinks at the bar.

You can even grab the mic and enjoy a spot of karaoke, if you’re feeling brave enough!

Learn to cook

Part of uni life is becoming fully independent and learning life skills.

That means learning to cook. Learning how to feed yourself well will save you time and money, and will be so much better for your health than pre-packaged ready meals or takeaways.

You can even team up with your housemates and friends and hold dinner parties or cooking challenges!

Why not have a Christmas dinner together before heading home for the Christmas holidays? It’ll quickly become a cherished tradition for you!

In the summer you can have BBQs with your housemates – just make sure you don’t burn the sausages!

Attend a formal dance

At the end of your uni life, there are normally graduation balls where everyone gets dressed up in elegant attire.

Take the opportunity to don your best suit or ball gown and feel like a VIP at the formal dance!

Go to a careers fair

Soon you will be out of college and joining the corporate world, but before then prepare by attending a career fair. This is the perfect place for you to ask about the recent job market opportunities and get unique insights regarding what recruiters are looking for.

Join a study group

This might not sound like the most exciting prospect, but it can be a lifesaver.

Studying over extended periods of time can be tedious and tiring, not to mention boring.

If you get a study buddy or join a study group, you’ll find that you can study and socialise at the same time. Not only that, but the time will pass more quickly and you’ll be able to bounce ideas off each other.

Do some charity work

There are loads of volunteering opportunities around at uni. You could help out the local homeless shelter or help with supermarket food drives toxic u turn obstacle course for the local foodbank.

You could even take part in a RAG (Raise and Give) event organised by the university, or participate in a challenge like a fun run to raise money for your preferred charity.

Whatever you decide to do, it will help to make a difference, and you’ll also make friends in the process and add another string to your bow for future employment prospects!


When it comes to the summer holidays or Easter break we recommend that you get out and about and explore.

You could get a group of friends together and go on a road trip or go abroad and explore other parts of Europe.

Let’s say you study in the capital of Scotland. From there you can easily access the Highlands or head over to see what’s on offer in Glasgow before returning to your student housing in Edinburgh.

Go sightseeing, try a new food that’s particular to that city or country, and immerse yourself in a new culture. You might find a new favourite dish or even learn a new language!

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