Print on Demand has become one of the best ways of earning income online from your home or any other places. There are pros nd cons of course, and to start with the cons the general problem with Print on Demand is you have to constantly keep coming up with new designs and its a bit of a cat and mouse game. That paired with very high costs makes margins really thin and tough to make a meaningful amount of money.

in the other hand the PRO’s overcome the cons, because there is no inventory headache, no upfront cost, and no equipments and tools are needed except your computer. Also you do not have to deal with shipping either! so that will explain why the margins are a little low, but believe m,e you don;’t want to get into production and inventory and ship[ping and all of that. It will eat more of your time and money and you may end up even earning the same profits or worse.

To get started there are so many places poffer print on demand services and the one I am working with myself is called PRINTFUL!

with Printful you can set up your own store without worrying about the inventory cost. The only thing you should be concerned about is your design and marketing efforts. The rest of the work will be done by your fulfillment service provider. The first step is openinf an account with Printful and watch all their helpful videos and tricks and the tips they provide.

Install an app like Printful – Teechimp and other that you can find on the Shopify app store and start selling.

You can also go for a local print shop and print the items at their store, that will let you control the quality and get a better price.

It is the same like any other e-commerce store, not so much fuzz about it.

As straight forward the process it may seem there is really nothing much more than what we have already discussed! so get up and get started.

sign up for printful here if you wish! SIGNUP

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