Best Merch by Amazon Tools:

First off, there are quite a few free Chrome plugins and resources scattered around the internet that will help you with your Merch by Amazon research, and you can find them with a simple Google search query. I’ll avoid those tools in this answer.

Do I Recoomand Merch Informer?

I recommend you check out my website Mercher World — It’s a service that is loaded with many great modules and features that will allow you to very quickly find best selling Merch by Amazon products, view sales estimates, historical data such as best sellers rank (BSR), price history, and so much more. We are striving to combine everything you as a Merch by Amazon user will need all in one convenient spot so that it’s the only tool you’ll ever need.

They have a simplified version of the product search module available for free. You can start doing Merch by Amazon product research right now. Here’s a link: Merch by Amazon Product Research

Is There Other Tools?

Some people choose MI for their research tool by for myself, I pick SpyAMZ.

Quite a brand new name in the market but it’s obviously strong. Meanwhile MI separated Merch Hunter and Product search into 2 tabs, SpyAMZ merged into one and provides many advanced filter search like Rank and Time range, Brand types (Official / Unofficial), plus Product Status (Alive/Dead) and Product types.

You can also change from Grid layout to Row layout (below is Grid). You can check for similar design of an item, or do a Trademark quick check for the whole Title, Brand and Feature right at this item page. It comes with many other features like: Events, Keywords, Trademark, Categorized favorite, etc.

Did I personally used Merch Informer?

I personally use Merch Informer from my start with Merch, I make roughly $300/month with only when I had 102 live designs. now I make more than that! they have updated their website to include so many great features. I think if you are not using it you missing out some money for sure.

Merch Informer is a great tool if you know how to use it and they have tutorials.

Merch is a numbers game, put out great designs and a lot of it and you can make a good amount of income or become your full-time income.

I highly recommend to read Merch Informer blog….especially the series where his GF started a Merch account to help pay down her student loan!

As far as a resource, the Merch Informer blog Also is also top notch.

The founder of Merch Informer, Neil L. has been very successful with MBA and knows his stuff.

I highly recommend his work.

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